How Can Insurance Help You?

Published on Nov 28, 2017
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Why do we, as humans, get so excited when we hear about a new movie coming out, or a new flavour of two-minute noodles being introduced? It’s because it’s the unknown; something fresh and exciting that we’ve yet to experience. Why, then, do we not approach life’s big unknowns in the same way? Maybe it’s because we have more to lose than the cost of a movie ticket or a pack of noodles. But that is exactly why we have insurance – a genuine way to worry less and enjoy life more.

‘Can insurance really enhance my enjoyment of life?’ we hear you ask. The answer: yes, absolutely! With insurance, you don’t have to fear the unknown when it comes to your possessions, your plans, or even your life itself. You can live as you are supposed to live – chasing new experiences and making memories – and only worry about things like whether that new movie will live up to the hype or that flavour of noodles will make your lunchtime awesome.   

So, In What Areas Can Insurance Help My Life?

You can use insurance to enhance so many areas of your life – too many to cover in one blog! But, here are just a few of the ways that insurance can make your life chipper.

1. Protect Your Belongings

Possessions shouldn’t define who you are, but they’re pretty cool to have. And, if you spend a lot of money on things like cars and houses, you want them to be as safe as possible. So, first and foremost, use insurance to cover the things that are quite simply too expensive to replace.

2. Protect Yourself and Your Family

Life insurance is always a great way of protecting your family financially. But, it’s also possible to insure yourself against being injured on the road, whether driving, using public transport, or walking.

3. Solidify a Loan

If you don’t yet own your own home, but it’s a dream of yours, insurance might help you secure a loan. Some mortgages, for example, depend on you taking out home insurance. And, even better, some insurance companies (like, oh, say, Hollard!) offer easy-to-manage loans of up to R200,000.

4. See the World

Travel is one of the best ways to soak in the new experiences that life has to offer. And, with travel insurance, you have the freedom and confidence to really get off the beaten path and explore some of the most exotic and mysterious destinations out there.

5. Stay Protected Legally

Legal battles can be about as enjoyable as an afternoon of root canal treatment. So make sure that you have the right protection when it comes to civil, labour, and criminal matters. Legal insurance ensures that the issue gets resolved as quickly as possible and the majority of the costs are covered for you.

Choose the Right Insurance Company

With the right insurance company at your side, you can approach life’s unknowns like a kid does a lucky packet – full of excitement and awe. We’d like to be the company that helps you do that.

So, for more on how insurance can help you, or to take out a policy or two, give us a shout today!