How Travel Brands Can Manage Customer Travel Insurance In 2020

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COVID-19 has had a global impact but arguably the worst-hit business industry has been hospitality and tourism. No tourist destination has been spared, with countries around the world dealing with mass cancellations and quiet tourist seasons. However, as the lockdown is starting to lift, there’s hope that travel will be able to resume later in 2020 or next year.

As a business offering Travel Products, there’s no way you could have predicted how badly the Coronavirus would hit your business. Thankfully, you can use what you know to help safeguard it and its customers so that you can recover as much as possible from the unexpected drop in sales. Here’s how to do that.

Stay in touch

In times of uncertainty, your customers who’ve purchased trips or holidays from you might be on the fence about whether or not to proceed with their planned trip. While you can’t make this decision for them, keeping in contact with them and letting them know what the latest government recommendations are will help assure them. With so much confusion surrounding what is and isn’t allowed or recommended, customers will appreciate you being able to clarify things for them.

Plan for the future

Holidays are something most people will prefer to plan in advance, as the various costs involved can add up. If a customer is looking to travel but has had COVID-19 derail their plans, you can always recommend that they pick a date well in advance. Not only will this mean that the lockdown will be over by the time they need to leave, but it will also give them more than enough time to pay for the trip and even budget a few extras with it, such as an additional tour or room upgrade.

Offer them insurance

While the Coronavirus has heightened most people’s awareness of how easily diseases can be transmitted, most people also realise that adhering to government-mandated recommendations for travel and practising social distancing and hygiene practices can decrease their risk. However, they might still have some anxiety about travelling, which you can help reduce by offering them the right kind of Travel Insurance.

Not all Travel Insurance products offer the same coverage, with some providing the bare minimum. Offering your clients something that covers almost every eventuality is a better option, as it will give them the peace of mind they can’t get elsewhere.

For example, Hollard offers Travel Insurance that covers baggage delays, theft or damage of personal belongings, missed or late flights, poor weather, and more. This is all in addition to standard coverage for certain pre-existing medical conditions, medical emergencies, or having to cancel a trip due to illness, injury or death.

In time, travel will resume as usual, and your business will be able to pick up the pace once more. Make sure you offer a comprehensive insurance product to accompany your offerings and keep your customers happy, no matter where they might be going. Remember to do this the moment they make a booking so that extras like Any Reason Cancellation and COVID-19-related benefits (found under the Cancellation section of cover) are activated.

Contact Hollard today to find out more about our Travel Insurance offerings.