What Is Comprehensive Cover?

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The term ‘comprehensive cover’ may well have come up more than a few times if you’re looking for any kind of insurance. But, being a sensible person, you don’t want to dive right into something without knowing exactly what it is (like some poor souls have done with spelunking, which is a dirty kind of cave exploration). Long story short, if you are wondering, ‘What is comprehensive insurance?’, you’ve come to the right place.

This short guide will define the term for you as well as offer answers to some of the other questions you might have about this particular type of insurance. As for spelunking, we’ll leave that for another day!

What is comprehensive cover?

Comprehensive cover is a better alternative to third-party, fire and theft cover. The latter only covers damage that you cause to other vehicles and protects your vehicle against theft and fire. That’s where the cover stops, meaning that you have to pay for any and all damage done to your car.

Comprehensive cover, on the other hand, covers much more. In addition to everything mentioned above, it covers damage sustained through accidents.

Is comprehensive cover better?

Comprehensive cover is the better option when it comes to vehicle insurance. As mentioned, this type of cover means that you won’t be stuck with exorbitant repair bills if anything unfortunate happens to your car.

What’s more, it covers incidents like weather damage, damage from attempted theft, and various other events.

How much does comprehensive cover cost?

With more cover, the price of comprehensive insurance is understandably higher. How much? Well, it depends on the circumstances of your policy and the value of the insured item. But, comprehensive cover doesn’t cost an awful lot more than fire, theft, and third-party insurance.

The reason for this is the fact that, because fire, theft, and third-party insurance are traditionally more affordable, it attracts a lot of higher-risk drivers. This essentially drives up the statistics in terms of claims on this type of insurance. And, as a result, there is less of a price gap between these types of insurance than there may have been in the past.

Where do I sign up?

Do you like the sound of having your insurance cover all the biggest hazards on the road? Of course, you do!

So, to make sure that you’re fully covered and nestled deep in that happy place we like to call ‘peace of mind’, be sure to call Hollard today and arrange your comprehensive cover!