The Benefits Of Household Goods Insurance

Published on Oct 02, 2014
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Home is usually the place where we feel the most secure − it’s our castle and our refuge from the world. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most vulnerable places to us because it contains all of our valuable possessions; from our flat-screen TV to that pair of designer shoes or lounge suite we saved up for.

Should any of your valuables be damaged or stolen while they’re in your home, household goods insurance (also known as home contents insurance) covers you financially for the cost of replacing them. However, if you remove valuables from your home regularly, these require all risks insurance to protect their value. You should also ensure that you don’t underinsure yourself when you’re stating the replacement value of your goods.  

Household goods insurance against theft

Few experiences are more intrusive than having possessions stolen from your home. Unfortunately, with South Africa’s high crime rate, insuring your items against theft is a must. With household goods insurance, you’ll be able to replace items on your policy that have been stolen, such as jewellery, TVs, computers or even your phone.  

Although you may consider things such as family heirlooms, antiques or sentimental items irreplaceable, having an insurance policy means you’ll at least have the comfort of knowing you have the money to replace them with something similar. So even though the bad guys may get your stuff, the good guy (you!) won’t end up out of pocket.

Household goods insurance against damage

Besides theft, goods in your home can get damaged in a variety of ways. Your child could knock over an antique mirror (crash!), you could accidentally drive over your expensive sunglasses or a flood could destroy your favourite collection of DVDs. Whatever happens, having household goods cover means that you’ll get the chance to replace these items as soon as possible. 


Besides covering you for the items we’ve mentioned above, household goods insurance can also cover you for some surprising extras:

Fridge and freezer contents

Imagine you’ve just stocked up your freezer with expensive food when a power outage switches everything off. Not only is your house starting to smell a bit nasty but you’re also completely out of pocket because nothing is edible. Hollard’s home contents insurance will help cover the cost of replacing this food, up to a specified limit.

Keys, locks and remote controls

Repairing or replacing these essential items is pretty important because they’re all about keeping your home secure and your family safe. Our household goods insurance will cover these costs too (up to a limit). 

Credit cards

Had your handbag stolen? And now those pesky thieves have gone and racked up a huge credit card bill in your name. Never mind, our household goods insurance will cover you for this fraud.

Hole-in-one insurance

If you’re a golf fanatic, you’ll know that a tradition exists that requires the lucky scorer of a hole-in-one to buy a round of drinks. This can get expensive, so you’ll be pleased to know that we’ll cover the costs of this, subject to a few conditions. 

Offsetting household insurance costs

The more expensive your possessions are and the more of them you have, the more your insurance policy is going to cost each month. However, there are ways of bringing down your premiums such as living in a security estate or having 24-hour guards in your area, which is good news for everyone.

Hollard provides flexible and competitive home contents insurance for all your possessions. Find out more about the features and benefits or let us call you back with a quote.