How To Invest

Published on Apr 24, 2018
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Do you find yourself rushing around like a chicken without a head most days? We know the feeling. There just are not enough hours in a day to get everything done that you need to, especially important admin tasks ... are we right?

We thought so. Bear in mind that if these tasks are related to investing in your future financial security, the consequences of putting things off can have far-reaching effects. 

If putting investments in place is an item on your to-do list, we’d like to help you tick this box as soon as possible because investments are very important to your and your family’s future security.

It isn’t complicated to invest.

Here’s an easy 5-step plan you can follow:

  1. Understand where you are now, where you want to be in the future and what it will take to get there. This may sound daunting but with the help of a financial advisor, you can easily clarify this. If you are considering talking to Hollard Investments about your investment needs, please note that we are not authorised to offer you financial advice, only impartial investment advice. A list of registered financial advisors is available on the The Financial Sector Conduct Authority's website.
  2. Think about how soon you want to benefit from your investments. This can vary depending on your goals and will affect the type of investment you choose. For example, if you want to save to buy a house in a couple of years it wouldn’t be wise to invest in products with fluctuating values. It would be wiser to look at a cost-effective investment that will grow your money with added flexibility and diversity. However, if you’re saving for your pension in 30 years time, short-term decreases in the value of your investment aren’t important. What is important with a pension investment product is the long-term.
  3. Once you know what you want to achieve, match the right investment product/s to your objectives. There are products available which can help you, for example, preserve your existing pension fund savings in a tax-efficient manner, grow your money with added flexibility or save for retirement in a simple and tax-efficient way. Whichever suits your needs is the product which will help you to achieve your financial goals.
  4. Ask for an investment product quotation. Be sure you are clear on what the minimum lump sum and recurring investment are and what administration costs are involved. 
  5. Complete the relevant application form related to the investment product/s you have chosen. Once your application has been processed you will receive an investment confirmation letter confirming all your investment details. This is where true peace of mind starts.

When it comes to investments for the future it is wise to start contributing as early in your working life as possible. The reality, however, is that many people are deep into mid-life without any form of investments in place.

Speak to a professional at Hollard about how to invest with us, today.