Precious Cargo In Transit

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With the annual Hollard Daredevil Run being postponed until September, what better way to keep men’s cancer awareness top of mind than by hosting a digital competition to come up with the catchiest and cleverest new campaign slogan?

Hundreds of witty suggestions were submitted during the two-week campaign, each vying for the prize of a brand-new iPhone 12 and for their slogan to be selected to adorn those renowned purple speedos.

This digital campaign secured a reach in excess of 2,744,000 and engagements of over 65,000.

Eight finalists were chosen, and the public was hands-down asked to vote for their best Daredevil slogan, with the catchphrase “Precious Cargo in Transit” being the hands-down favourite.

Other top choices included “No ifs…. Just a Great Butt”; “It takes balls”; “Sizwile Kwanele (Enough is Enough); “Get tested don’t be nuts” and “Lean Mean Cancer Fighting Machine”.

Irrespective of this physical event being postponed, Hollard continues with various Prostate and Testicular social media and public relations campaigns to keep the awareness top of mind about the importance of regular prostate cancer screening in men over 40 and testicular self-examination in men from their teen years.

“With this campaign, we continue to urge the men in our lives to show their precious cargo some love. Look out for this, and other versions of real poetry in motion when speedo-clad runners participate in the annual Daredevil run through the streets of Johannesburg again in September,” says Heidi Brauer, Chief Marketing Officer at Hollard.

Be first in line when entries open and get more information by following Daredevil Run on Facebook.

Issued on behalf of Hollard Daredevil Run by Creative Space Media.

Leigh Callipolitis

083 264 6563