Funeral Plans: An Overview

Published on May 21, 2014
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When a loved one passes away, it’s incredibly difficult for one to cope with the onslaught of emotion and despair. The last thing you are equipped to deal with is the often unanticipated financial burden associated with death.

What are Funeral Plans?

Funeral plans are a convenient way of preparing for the inevitable. For what is often a modest financial commitment, you can ensure that you have all the necessary funds available to deal with the multitude of funeral costs.

Funerals can be a costly business – caskets, tombstones, undertaker services, floral arrangements, obituaries, and even catering and family accommodation. Funeral plans are a way to make sure you can cover them all so that you can focus your attention on what matters – mourning the dead.

Funeral Plans Vs. Life Assurance

Why bother with funeral plans when you have life cover? Well, the truth is that it often takes a length of time to settle life assurance payouts after one’s death. It might be a matter of weeks, even months, before life assurance money gets to the deceased’s loved ones. Funeral plans ensure that required funds are available straight away when they are needed, without any unnecessary red tape or financial wrangles.

Flexibility of Funeral Plans

Most funeral plans don’t need to be for those who purchase them but rather have the flexibility to cover your spouse or even members of your immediate family. Unfortunately, death isn’t always predictable. It sometimes strikes when and to whom you least expect it to. Robust funeral plans provide a reassuring contingency for the unpredictability of death, offering you some peace of mind during a difficult time.

Funeral plans save the deceased’s family members from having to worry about financial concerns during their time of grief.